Friday, October 10, 2014

Behind the Scenes: Shop Studio

I’ve wanted to do a post about my Etsy shop studio for a long time now.  After finally taking photos of the space, here it is!  My studio is always a work in progress because I am continually adding stock to my Etsy shop and need to move things around to get the best fit.

Here is a tour of my studio…

My Etsy Shop Studio
One of my favorite things about my studio is the space gets lots of natural light.  Working in natural light makes it enjoyable and easier to work.  My office in the old house was in the basement and I’m so thankful that in this house we had space available above ground for my studio area.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Desk
My studio functions as my home office, sewing room, paint studio, shop stock room, inspiration and creating area.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio China Cabinet
I use my grandmother’s old china cabinet to hold essential oils.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Lavender
On top of the cabinet, I keep my lavender in sealed glass jars to preserve the freshness.  I use lavender in sachets and I sell it by the pound in my shop.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Pom Pom Vines
Hanging above the china cabinet, I have my paper pom pom vines.  Sarah from Paperwhite Designs created them for me, and I LOVE them!  I originally got the vines to help decorate my table for my next craft show, so until then I have hung them above the cabinet until they are needed.  I love the colors she suggested, thanks Sarah!

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Shelf Styling
I used gift wrap to line the back of the cabinet to brighten it up a bit.  I used the same process I used in the kitchen.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Inspiration Board
My inspiration board is in between the storage/filing cabinet and the desk.  I recovered the tack board on the desk with drop cloth earlier this year.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Light Box
Here is my light box and I use it photo shoots for my shop and blog.  To make your own light box, check out my tutorial here.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Light Box Setup

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Serving Tray Tower
I use my DIY serving tray tower to hold my thread and other sewing items.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Packing Area
Don’t get me wrong.  My studio is not always this neat and tidy.  I admit I picked up and dusted to take these photos.  But I do find that I work better in a clean and organized environment and this photo shoot gave me a push to take a look at my space in a new light.

I find it easier to snap some pics and then take a look and see what is looking “off” in a space.  Photos don’t lie and if you are looking to restyle a room I always find that taking a few pics and then analyzing them helps to find out what is working for a room visually and what is not.  Don’t be afraid to move things around in a room.  If the item is not working in its new home, you can always move it back.

Here is what the studio looked like shortly after we moved in:

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Before Photo

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio Before Photo
After a year of living with our new office furniture, I love how the space turned out.

Simple is Pretty Shop Studio After Photo