Friday, August 22, 2014


Lavender "Simple is Pretty Shop"
- Getting ready for school to start, I don’t know who is more nervous, me or the kids.

- Received my order for more organic wool and winding some new wool dryer balls for the shop.  My favorite color is my new indigo color, can’t wait to get them in the shop!  The dryer balls should be listed in the shop within the next few weeks.  Preview the indigo color on my Facebook page- now available for pre-order.

- Yesterday, I ordered new supplies to start my new line of essential oils for the shop.  Perfect for scenting wool dryer balls, adding to homemade cleaner recipes or using in diffusers.  I’ve been wanting to start this new line for years, finally taking the plunge!  Hoping to have the new line ready for the Christmas season.

- Making some new cleaners from Clean Mama’s book “The Organically Clean Home”- I can’t get enough of this book!  Easy recipes, with recognizable ingredients.  Just made the “Lavender and Orange Powdered Laundry Soap” and it is working GREAT!

- Sneaking in some more camping before school starts.  We are going to try out Geocaching for the first time.  Anyone try this before?
