Friday, September 12, 2014

Lavender Essential Oil is Available in the Shop!

100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil from Simple is Pretty Shop

Today, I’m introducing my new line of essential oils!  Currently, I have 4 sizes of 100% pure lavender essential oil from France available.  I hope to have new scents available in the coming weeks, be sure to check back!

You can use essential oil to scent your wool dryer balls.  Lavender has a relaxing and calming aroma, perfect for laundry use!  I use lavender essential oil on my wool dryer balls and I usually rescent my dryer balls every couple of weeks.  A 10 ml bottle holds approximately 200 drops of essential oil.  Therefore, if you have 4 dryer balls and rescent using 2 drops per ball, you will have enough essential oil to rescent your dryer balls 25 times.  If you rescent them every 2 weeks, your bottle will last you almost a whole year!  So much cheaper than expensive dryer sheets and NO harsh chemicals!

You can also use my essential oils in homemade cleaning recipes, laundry detergents, and soaps.  CANADIAN ORDERS - No customs or duties charges to worry about because my shop is in Canada!

Here are a few essential oil safety tips:

Most essential oils should not be used undiluted or “neat” directly on the skin. Unless you know it is safe to use undiluted, you should dilute essential oils with a carrier oil, such as avocado, grapeseed, or sweet almond. To test if you are sensitive to a essential oil, add 1 or 2 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil in a small container and mix to combine. Test by placing a dab of the mixture on your wrist or the inside of your elbow and wait for 24 hours.

If you are pregnant or suffering from any medical condition, consult a health practitioner before use.  Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets.

To check out my essential oil collection, visit my Etsy shop –>  For $5 off your purchase, be sure to use the coupon code "SUMMER2014", expires September 23, 2014.


Saturday, September 6, 2014

A little bit of lock picking…

So I just finished picking my first lock.  Who knew I had it in me?  Who knew this little thing would cause so much trouble?

A little bit of lock picking

Today, I got the unexpected opportunity to break into the china cabinet I had acquired from my aunt a few months ago.  The ordeal all started an hour ago when I decided to lock the door with its skeleton key.  This was the first time I tried locking the lock.  So instead of trying locking the lock with the china cabinet empty, my first try was after I had put in my new essential oil bottles and some new wool to create dryer balls.  Panic mode set in after I discovered the lock wasn’t working when I tried to unlock the cabinet to get some wool.  EEEK!

So after looking up unlocking skeleton key cabinets on Google, I decided to try my hand at picking the lock.  After many failed attempts and curse words, I finally got it unlocked.  Lesson learned – Don’t trust old locks.  I with I could say I learned a new skill.  Hopefully I won’t need to pick any locks in my future because, frankly, I stink at it.

On a side note, I have received my essential oil bottles and I’m currently working on designing labels.  I’m waiting on my shipment of essential oils, and they should be here next week and I will be able to begin packaging, photographing and listing them in my shop.  YAY!  I’m so exited!
