Friday, February 13, 2015

A little update…

Happy Valentines Day!

I'll start with, I'm still alive!  I've taken a little time away from the blog to concentrate on my Etsy shop.  I've enjoyed the time away.  I admit I had a little writer's block.  I've been doing a lot of thinking as to where and how blogging will fit into my future.  I want to get back to a place where my topics are what I'm passionate about and what I'm learning and creating.  Lately, my time has been devoted to my shop, which I love.  My shop is something I spend a lot of time on and I'm loving all the aspects of exploring my new adventure.  

Etsy shop

Here is what I’ve been up to… Just a few days ago, I re-shot all the photos of my essential oils for the shop using my lastest background.  This week I'm doing some revamping and bringing in a cohesive look and feel to the shop.  I'd love your opinions or suggestions.  

Baby Gift Basket from

Over the last few months, I've worked on bringing new products into the shop.  

Essential Oil Starter Kit from

I've expanded my essential oil line, created some gifts and gift baskets, listed new supplies, and wound a ton of dryer balls.

Natural Wool Dryer Balls from

Currently, I'm working on a large order of dryer balls which are set to be sent to the east coast in the next month.  I'm very excited to work with this group, thank you for this opportunity!

Lavender from

I'm also hoping to restock lavender buds very soon.  I'm just waiting for my supplier to get them in.  I'll let you know when they are back in stock!  Be sure to follow me on Facebook for updates and behind the scenes -!

I also have a huge accomplishment that will soon be public and I can't wait to fill you in! 
