Thursday, June 20, 2013


For the last year we have been trying to move.  Our house was built in 1976, and needed upgrades and renovations completed.  My husband and I already did a lot of work to the inside of the house but we still needed to complete a ton of outside projects.  --Like build a new garage (the old one was falling down), re-side the house, upgrade the windows and doors.  EXPENSIVE.  We had to make up our mind if we were going to spend our time and money on our current house or look for a different home.

After our decision to move to a different house, we listed our house last June (June 2012) with a realtor.  We had lots of interest and offers to purchase.  Every offer we accepted ended up falling through.  VERY frustrating.  In the fall, we decided to take our house off the market and stay in our house for a few more years.  Not long after we made the decision to stay, our septic system backed up. Oi!

Our fall and winter of 2012 were busy with cleaning up the downstairs and repairing the damage.  We also tackled renovating the downstairs and the upstairs bathrooms.

In the spring of 2013, we listed our house.  We decided to try our luck again at selling.  Our house was on the market for one day, and we accepted our first offer.  After, what seemed like forever, waiting for purchaser’s conditions to be removed… the final purchase contract was signed!  YAY!

Our house hunt began again.  We had looked at houses last year, and some of the houses we were interested in were still available and on the market.  We had to be out of our old house by May 31, 2013.  This didn’t give us much time to find our new house, get an inspection, line up financing and secure a possession date before May 31.  Just our luck, my husband was up north with work and he wasn’t scheduled to be back for a few weeks when we accepted our offer.  We never imagined our house would sell so fast.  To get a start on our house hunt, I got a babysitter and looked at some houses on my own with our realtor.  (So much easier to look at houses without kids!)  I was able to narrow our search to 3 good houses. 

When my husband got home, we put an offer on our 1st choice and the offer was accepted.

We got possession on May 17th.  Here is our new home!…

New House via

More pictures to follow!

As Always,

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