Friday, September 12, 2014

Lavender Essential Oil is Available in the Shop!

100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil from Simple is Pretty Shop

Today, I’m introducing my new line of essential oils!  Currently, I have 4 sizes of 100% pure lavender essential oil from France available.  I hope to have new scents available in the coming weeks, be sure to check back!

You can use essential oil to scent your wool dryer balls.  Lavender has a relaxing and calming aroma, perfect for laundry use!  I use lavender essential oil on my wool dryer balls and I usually rescent my dryer balls every couple of weeks.  A 10 ml bottle holds approximately 200 drops of essential oil.  Therefore, if you have 4 dryer balls and rescent using 2 drops per ball, you will have enough essential oil to rescent your dryer balls 25 times.  If you rescent them every 2 weeks, your bottle will last you almost a whole year!  So much cheaper than expensive dryer sheets and NO harsh chemicals!

You can also use my essential oils in homemade cleaning recipes, laundry detergents, and soaps.  CANADIAN ORDERS - No customs or duties charges to worry about because my shop is in Canada!

Here are a few essential oil safety tips:

Most essential oils should not be used undiluted or “neat” directly on the skin. Unless you know it is safe to use undiluted, you should dilute essential oils with a carrier oil, such as avocado, grapeseed, or sweet almond. To test if you are sensitive to a essential oil, add 1 or 2 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil in a small container and mix to combine. Test by placing a dab of the mixture on your wrist or the inside of your elbow and wait for 24 hours.

If you are pregnant or suffering from any medical condition, consult a health practitioner before use.  Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets.

To check out my essential oil collection, visit my Etsy shop –>  For $5 off your purchase, be sure to use the coupon code "SUMMER2014", expires September 23, 2014.



  1. Thanks for the tips! I had no idea they were supposed to be diluted to go on my skin. I used to use them as perfume! Also, your labels are so pretty.

    1. Thanks so much, Katie! You are not alone, may people do not know that many essential oils need to be diluted before use on skin. Thank you for stopping by :)

  2. How exciting that you have your own oil!! I love lavender too... lovely! I still really, really like your dryer balls and so glad I have them. Good luck with the new addition to the shop and for the new ones coming soon too!

    1. Thank you, Heather! Glad you are enjoying your latte wool dryer balls. I appreciate your well wishes and support!

  3. I love essential oils! What a great idea to use them in your laundry!

  4. We love essential oils as well! Will have to check out your shop! Would love for you to link up any of your posts to our link party... I remember your posts to our party back in June but we now have a new party and would love to have you back, Sandra!
    Kendra @


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